King’s College will soon launch a new program to make its Christian education program available across India! In partnership with local churches, the King’s College program (KCX) will be made available through extension campuses. These remote schools will be hosted by a local church and instruction will be provided through a combination of online courses with a live teacher.  

Pastor Steven and his church will be the host of our first extension campus. As part of this partnership, Katalyst is helping Pastor Steven become self-sufficient through a small poultry business. He has undergone training and mentorship in poultry management and the chicken coops are being built. Through Pastor Steven’s part-time poultry business, he will be able to better provide for his family, continue his ministry, and be available to invest into the lives of the extension campus students by teaching Bible and mentoring them. 

In this manner, Katalyst seeks to empower indigenous ministries with sustainable strategies such as chicken enterprises.  

Here is a picture of Pastor Steven and his family: