At Katalyst World Partners we believe that education is a potent force that can be harnessed for God’s glory.
As a business model, the educational enterprise can serve as a culturally-valued economic engine. Through strategic partnerships between schools and churches, education represents great potential for the reach and growth of the church.
Christ-followers have the opportunity to embrace education as a sustainable methodology to reach their world for Christ holistically.
For twenty years, King’s College (India) has been discipling future leaders in an educational context. Since 2000, its students have been equipped to overcome their backgrounds of poverty and social discrimination and look forward to lives of hope, opportunity, and leadership within their churches, vocations and communities.
The primary focus of King’s College is to train young men and women to be life-long followers of Jesus. The students receive a quality, English-medium education in a Christian environment while also being intentionally discipled. By partnering with local churches, students play a role in local ministry where they teach Sunday school, participate in the youth group and assist where needed.
King’s College graduates are now working as pastors, teachers, managers, nurses and academics to the glory of God.
Building on its existing ministry, King’s College seeks to extend its reach through partnership with local churches to make Christian education and discipleship more accessible to the youth of India. Through the establishment of “extension campuses” with like-minded churches, King’s College can provide quality education and discipleship in a sustainable way. By combining computer-based education with a live teacher, King’s College can make Christian education more accessible to those who most need it.
With experience gained through the pilot project, King’s College looks forward to initiating numerous extension campuses in the days ahead. After the effective demonstration of the model for effective Christian education and discipleship, Katalyst anticipates helping King’s College in India and with ministries in other countries to use this educational model as a sustainable platform for making disciples and building the church.
Katalyst brings added value to this partnership by: