Why Serve?


At Katalyst we relate to each other in a community characterized by humility, service, unity, trust, and acceptance, linking arms with God’s people wherever we find them. The more we are a caring community, the more we demonstrate peace and brotherhood to a world torn apart by division.

Passionate Service

Passionate Service

We go to serve, not to be served. We work where the Gospel is least known because we have been commanded to do so and because people’s ultimate need is to find eternal life through a personal relationship with God.

Church Focus

Church Focus

We believe the Church is God’s vehicle for change in communities. We partner with sending churches globally, and local churches, in the ministry context. We partner with likeminded Christians and parachurch organizations.

Incarnational Ministry

Incarnational Ministry

We believe it is important to identify with people and to live an appropriate lifestyle. Learning culture, language, and worldview are critical to understanding and identifying with the people to whom God has called us.

Catalyzing connections through:


The fact that babies are being born in every country of the world supports the universal potential of midwifery. Whether one lives in the suburbs of Dallas, a mansion in Jakarta, or a hut in Madagascar, midwives can be difference-makers due to their mobility and versatility. Even when world-class hospitals are present, many families choose the services of midwives for the dignity and choices they afford. Wherever babies are born, midwives represent the potential for positive outcomes and the opportunity to live and speak the Gospel.


There is a reason why many of Jesus’ parables were agriculturally-based. Jesus knew that his listeners would understand and could relate to the imagery he chose. In other words, he chose to speak their ‘language.’ Today also, by embracing agriculture as a bridge, there is an opportunity to connect with farmers both practically and spiritually. We believe that modelling discipleship within an agricultural context can communicate the heart of God and facilitate the extension of God’s kingdom in rural communities.


We believe education is a potent force that can be harnessed for God’s glory. Christ-followers have the opportunity to embrace education as a sustainable methodology to reach their world for Christ holistically. Through education, students are elevated to reach the potential that God has built into them and grow into the next generation of kingdom workers for the Great Commission.


Some people are uniquely made by God to generate and run businesses. In biblical times Elijah was sustained by a widow, Jesus’ ministry had a treasurer, and Paul’s funds were raised in a number of ways. All ministries have a business model. We recognize that the enterprise of world missions requires, and will increasingly require, kingdom-minded entrepreneurs as conduits for God's love and hope.


The fact that babies are being born in every country of the world supports the universal potential of midwifery. Whether one lives in the suburbs of Dallas, a mansion in Jakarta, or a hut in Madagascar, midwives can be difference-makers due to their mobility and versatility. Even when world-class hospitals are present, many families choose the services of midwives for the dignity and choices they afford. Wherever babies are born, midwives represent the potential for positive outcomes and the opportunity to live and speak the Gospel.


There is a reason why many of Jesus’ parables were agriculturally-based. Jesus knew that his listeners would understand and could relate to the imagery he chose. In other words, he chose to speak their ‘language.’ Today also, by embracing agriculture as a bridge, there is an opportunity to connect with farmers both practically and spiritually. We believe that modelling discipleship within an agricultural context can communicate the heart of God and facilitate the extension of God’s kingdom in rural communities.


We believe education is a potent force that can be harnessed for God’s glory. Christ-followers have the opportunity to embrace education as a sustainable methodology to reach their world for Christ holistically. Through education, students are elevated to reach the potential that God has built into them and grow into the next generation of kingdom workers for the Great Commission.


Some people are uniquely made by God to generate and run businesses. In biblical times Elijah was sustained by a widow, Jesus’ ministry had a treasurer, and Paul’s funds were raised in a number of ways. All ministries have a business model. We recognize that the enterprise of world missions requires, and will increasingly require, kingdom-minded entrepreneurs as conduits for God's love and hope.

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